These AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator practice exams are patterned after the latest exam format and updated regularly based on the feedback from our team of expert exam question authors. Our AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator practice tests are TOP-NOTCH and the CLOSEST to the actual exam, covering every objective on the Microsoft AZ-104 exam page. Before you attempt the certification exam to become a Microsoft Azure Administrator , it is recommended for you to take these AZ-104 practice tests . It is possible that you have read all the available Azure documentations online yet still fail the exam! These Azure AZ-104 practice tests simulate the actual certification exam and ensure that you indeed understand the subject matter. This Exam AZ104: Microsoft Azure Administrator Practice Exam is for anyone who is looking for study material that provides the following: 150 TOP-NOTCH Questions - has 2 sets of questions split by the official exam domain areas, with UNIQUE questions in each set, and a 130-minute time limit for each set as follows: Practice Test #1  68 Questions - Manage Azure identities and governance (15-20%) - Implement and manage storage (10-15%) - Deploy and manage Azure compute resources (25-30%) Practice Test #2  82 Questions - Configure and manage virtual networking (30-35%) - Monitor and back up Azure resources (10-15%) · SIMULATES ACTUAL EXAM QUESTIONS - mimics the actual, and the latest Azure Administrator certification exam to help you pass and even ace the AZ-104 exam! · DETAILED EXPLANATIONS, REFERENCE URL LINKS - our answer keys for each question provide comprehensive learning and links to official docs Microsoft com reference materials so you can check and verify yourself that the answers are correct and to help you better understand the concepts. · MOBILE-COMPATIBLE - so you can conveniently review everywhere, anytime with your smartphone! · CLEAR AND ERROR-FREE QUESTIONS - Each item has a reference link that can validate the answer, but you can also post in the QA section, so we can discuss any issues. · Prepared by an Azure Certified Professional who has passed the exam! Please also note that these AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator practice tests are not brain dumps and since Microsoft shuffles the actual exam content from a question bank with hundreds of questions, it is nearly impossible to match what you can see here with the actual tests. Again, the key to passing the exam is a good understanding of Azure services and this is what our AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator practice tests are meant to do. We gave a considerable amount of effort to create and publish these Azure practice tests for you to pass the test and earn your Associate level badge of honor. All the best! IMPORTANT NOTE Our Azure Administrator practice exams have a passing score of 72% but we highly encourage you to repeat taking these exams again and again until you consistently reach a score of 75% or higher on each exam. Remember that using this product alone does not guarantee you will pass the Azure exam as you still need to do your own readings and hands-on exercises in Azure. Nonetheless, these Microsoft Azure services practice exams provide a comprehensive assessment on which knowledge area you need improvement on and even help you achieve a higher score! Who this course is for: · For those who are about to take the AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator certification exam · For all IT Professionals who want to gauge their Azure knowledge for their upcoming job interview · For anyone who want to take their career, and salary, to a whole new level with an Azure Associate certification! Good luck!
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    The 70-744: Securing Windows Server 2016 course covers the topic of enhancing the security of the IT infrastructure in detail. At the start, this course focuses on the importance of assuming that network breaches have occurred already, and then goes on to brief the students on how to rectify the breach and protect administrative credentials and rights to make sure that the system administrator can perform the necessary tasks to avoid such occurrences in future. This course also teaches the in-depth knowledge about mitigation of malware, spyware and other threats that can compromise the security and integrity of any organization’s data. The course teaches the students on how to use the Advanced Threat Analysis feature in Windows Server 2016, securing virtualization platform, and use new deployment options. The course 70-744: Securing Windows Server 2016 covers the exam topics of the Microsoft exam 70-744. This course is designed to help the aspiring candidates of the said exam. In addition to that, the course is equally helpful for network and system administrators working in a network security job-role. The course helps the students to understand the essential tools and techniques to secure the Windows Server 2016 environments. This series will then prepare you to take the MCSE: Cloud Platform and Infrastructure exams. Prior to this, you must complete the 70-740, 70-741, and 70-742 series and take the MCSA: Windows Server 2016 exams.
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      This course is specifically for participants to gain the knowledge and skills for making the appropriate job role decisions around administering Windows Server 2012 - R2. This course is designed for Information Technology (IT) professionals, who have Windows Server 2012 operating system knowledge and experience and want to validate the skills and knowledge necessary to administer a Windows Server 2012 infrastructure. This course is part two of a series of courses which validate the skills and knowledge necessary to implement a core Windows Server 2012 Infrastructure into an existing enterprise environment. This exam will validate the administration tasks necessary to maintain a Windows Server 2012 infrastructure, such as user and group management, network access and data security. This training course on installing and administering Windows Server 2012 prepares participants for the Microsoft Exam 70-411. This course will provide all the skills and knowledge for the following areas: Deploying and managing server images Implementing patch management Monitoring servers Configuring Distributed File Systems (DFS) Configuring File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) Configuring file and disk encryption Configuring advanced audit policies Configuring DNS zones and records Configuring VPN and routing Configuring DirectAccess Configuring Network Policy Server (NPS) Configuring NPS policies Configuring Network Access Protection (NAP) Configuring service authentication Configuring Domain Controllers Maintaining Active Directory Configuring account policies Configuring Group Policy processing, settings, objects (GPOs), and preferences
        This course will cover topics from the Microsoft MS-100 exam, which measures a student's ability to design and implement Microsoft 365 services, manage user identity and roles, manage access and authentication, and plan Microsoft 365 workloads and applications. In this course, students will review how to configure Exchange Online and SharePoint Online, how to work with Microsoft Pro Plus, and how to migrate to Microsoft 365. Students will also learn how to configure Microsoft 365 Tenant, how to manage user and security groups and licenses, and how to use authentication in 365. This IAAP-certified counts for 5.75 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area. Email [email protected] with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate.
          Updated July 2021 - *Added 50 new questions to match the latest exam patterns.* *Updated the detailed explanations with extra reference links* FULLY UPDATED to the Latest AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam version! Contains - 52 page study notes PDF, 330 real exam like questions with detailed explanations, and exclusive instructor support via our Discord community! Student Reviews: " I bought this course to prep for the AZ-900 exam after finishing the Microsoft's Azure Fundamentals learning path. It really put me into the mindset of the style of the questions and actually pointed out areas that I hadn't fully understood. I successfully passed first time! " " The question were well drafted to challenge the fundamentals understanding of the Azure. Were practical in assuring the core knowledge has been attained. Well done!! " " Contains elements not encountered across several other training sites, so very useful " " Excellent course and superb explainations ,Thank you very much! " " Very good source, I was able to clear the exam today, The question in this course provides you a clear understanding to pass the test..don't try to memorize the question , instead, learn it " "I have passed my exam at first attempt! You have very good questions,it was very helpful for me. Thank you!" " Good and Great material!! Clap, Clap Clap.... " " Excellent tests! " " Great for passing the exam " With relevant questions and detailed explanations for each answer, you won't need any other practice tests and will be fully prepared to tackle the original exam! *Top 10 reasons to buy the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Practice Tests Series 2021* 1) Fully Updated with the Latest Blueprint - Unlike most other tests claiming they're fully updated, THEY ARE NOT. You don't need to worry about this test series being outdated. Hundreds of students have passed the exam even after the recent November 2020 update! Jump into the reviews if you don't believe me! :) 2) Free Notes included - A comprehensive 52 page PDF outlining all the services and features of Azure ( Not available ANYWHERE else ), so you don't have to spend time visiting the official documentation for references or studying about the Microsoft Azure AZ-900 certification exam. 3) 330 premium quality questions - These tests contain 6 Full length Timed tests with ACTUAL exam like questions to mimic the actual test environment and specially focusing on the questions and services you are MOST LIKELY to face in the actual exam! 4) Comprehensive answers and References - Of course you want to know why your answer is not correct, right? At the end of each test, you can review each and every question with comprehensive answers and reference links to the original documentation to read more about it! 5) Question resolution within 24 hours - Have any questions? Drop them in the Q/A section and my team of Azure experts will get back to you within 24 hours - GUARANTEED . 6) Test reports - Automatic report generation at the end of every test to help you identify your weak areas so you can work better on them! 7) Mobile Support - Be it a tablet, mobile or your laptop - These tests can be accesible on any device, anywhere! 8) 30 Day money back guarantee - Not satisfied? No worries. You can avail a 100% refund within 30 days of your purchase, no questions asked. I would appreciate it if you could message me and let me know of the areas I can improve, and serve you better in the future :) 9) Monthly Updates - The tests are updated very frequently at least once every month to stay up to date with the new changes to the exam, and include new trickier questions - so you never have to worry about being unprepared! 10) Randomised practice sets - To ensure that you don't end up memorising the questions and the answers, BOTH the questions and the answer orders will be randomised and shuffled each time you attemp the test! The objectives covered in this course are: Module 1: Describe Cloud Concepts (20-25%) Module 2: Describe Core Azure Services (15-20%) Module 3: Describe core solutions and management tools on Azure (10-15%) Module 4: Describe general security and network security features (10-15% Module 5: Describe identity, governance, privacy, and compliance features (20-25%) Module 6: Describe Azure cost management and Service Level Agreements (10-15%) 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee! Answer to any question within 24 hours Helpful student community which allows you to learn more Proven success results Sharpen your concepts Indentify your weak areas and work harder on them Pass the exam in the very first go! Ready to enter the world of cloud? Let's dive into it!
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            Integrate the digital intelligence of Microsoft Dynamics 365 with your  sales and customer service management processes to discover effciencies  and revenue growth like never before. This course from Koenig on  customization of MS dynamics 365 for Sales and CRM is designed to impart  core understanding of various tools available for personalizing and  recreating the Dynamics 365 experience for your specific Sales and  Service requirements. The training modules focus on implementation and  understanding of how these tools can be best applied to create custom  objects, automate tasks, modify the user interface, and other tedious  activities. *** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 258 questions ***
              Microsoft Certification in Core Excel (MOS 77-727) This course will prepare you for the Microsoft Office Specialist Exam 77-727. Developed by University Lecturers who are also MOS Masters, Microsoft Certified Professionals and MOS examiners, no course on Udemy or any other educational platform can surpass this content. With over 90 lectures covering every possible aspect of the 77-727 syllabus, you can be 100% certain that your knowledge of the skills required to succeed will be excellent. In addition to an explanation of every required certification technique, the course provides an overview of the exam, the objective requirements set by Microsoft, tips on how to prepare and what to expect on the day of the test. It includes a comprehensive bank of test exercises which reflect the style of questions asked in the 77-727 Microsoft Core Excel exam. Virtually every lecture has a special set of exercises called 'Try It Yourself' which allow you to make sure you've understood the techniques demonstrated in the lecture. Become a Microsoft Office Specialist and Enhance Your Career No prior knowledge required Start from scratch and get Microsoft to certify your skills in this hugely important technical skill Understand the requirements of the 77-727 Certification Exam Learn how to correctly prepare for the test Get advice from seasoned professionals who know how to pass the exam Core Excel with the MOS 77-727 Exam This course is suitable for people at all levels of proficiency in Microsoft Excel. If you are new to the subject, then the course will lead you step by step through every single technique which is tested in the 77-727 exam. If you are already proficient in the use of Excel to some extent, then this course will help you to understand what is required in order to obtain a valuable certification in the subject. Every element of the objective domain (Microsoft Syllabus)  for the 77-727 exam is comprehensively covered, together with exercises designed to ensure that you know the style and types of questions which you are required to answer in the exam. When you pass the 77-727 exam, Microsoft issue you with the MOS, or Microsoft Office Specialist certification status, in core Excel. Obtaining this certification provides tangible evidence that you are proficient in your use of Microsoft Excel and your LinkedIn profile will be automatically adjusted by Microsoft to reflect this achievement. If you follow and complete the course and exercises you will really optimise your chances of gaining that qualification, you will enhance your status in your existing job and boost your job prospects in the marketplace. Content and Overview Suitable for beginners or for anyone who has a reasonable knowledge of Microsoft Excel, this course is aimed at you obtaining certification status from Microsoft by passing the 77-727 exam. Rather than simply provide sample questions, the course explains how the exam is structured, the way that the questions should be approached and how to study successfully to pass. The course also includes invaluable advice on the best way to prepare and what to expect from the testing process.
                THE COURSE IS FREQUENTLY UPDATED. LAST UPDATED IN NOVEMBER 2020 *** This Course purchase includes video lectures, practice files, quizzes, & assignments, 1-on-1 instructor support, LIFETIME access, and a 100%MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE*** This course is designed for candidates looking to demonstrate foundational-level knowledge of cloud services of Microsoft Azure by clearing the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam. AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals exam is intended for candidates with non-technical backgrounds, such as those involved in selling or purchasing cloud-based solutions and services, as well as those with a technical background who have a need to validate their foundational-level knowledge around cloud services and Azure. The course is intended to help people learn Azure concepts quickly and give enough practice exercises which come under the curriculum of the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam.  You can get this crack AZ-900 certificate exam and earn the badge in literally 1 day. with the help of this course. Students Reviews: Douglas Says:  Good exposure of fundamentals and I liked the way different Azure concepts were taught in an engaging way. Feeling confident about the test. 5-star rating Steven Smith Says: I liked the content. It is simple and to the point. Regular Practice is the real benefit of this course. I liked the idea of testing the knowledge continuously while learning. Good to have a course before appearing in AZ-900 Exam. 5-star rating Michael Says: This course is worth buying, this course is for both who want to learn azure and also for those who want to crack Az-900 exam. 4.5 stars rating Why you should take this course Practice Test: This course is packed with lots of practice tests that you can use to test your preparation and readiness for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam. PDF Included: The slides used inside the course for explaining the curriculum of AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam have been edited and provided to you along with course. So no need to worry about preparing notes. Engaging Explanation of Azure concepts Real-world scenarios to help you master Azure Important Azure Services Demonstration Complete kit for learning Azure essential concepts and passing AZ-900 exam Regular Test your knowledge exercises within lectures to validate your Azure knowledge and preparedness for the AZ-900 exam. Important Content: AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals, Section 1: Describe cloud concepts AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals, Section 2: Describe core Azure services AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals, Section 3: Describe security, privacy, compliance, and trust in Azure AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals, Section 4: Describe Azure pricing and support Azure Real-world Example to help you master Microsoft Azure at the same time help you in clearing AZ-900 exam Azure relates problems  that the organizations facing and solution available within Azure for them Support Option available in Azure
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                  Candidates for this exam are Messaging Administrators who deploy, configure, manage, troubleshoot, and monitor recipients, permissions, mail protection, mail flow, and public folders in hybrid and cloud enterprise environments. Messaging Administrators are responsible for managing hygiene, messaging infrastructure, hybrid configuration, migration, transport, mailboxes, and client access. Messaging Administrators collaborate with the Security Administrator and Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrator to implement a secure hybrid or cloud-only topology that meets the business needs of an enterprise. The Messaging Administrator should have a working knowledge of authentication types, licensing, and integration with Microsoft 365 applications.
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                    Objective Microsoft Azure is the fastest growing cloud platform in the world. The objective of this course is to provide you questions to practice in different areas of Azure before attending interviews or AZ900 Fundamentals certification exam on Azure. Wherever possible, we have tried adding explanation in the question as well so it can help you learn. After taking this course. You will be confident in Azure Fundamentals Exam (AZ900). This practice exam will be updated once a month with new questions. What you get? 4 practice sets Explanations for each questions 30 days money back guarantee The questions cover the following AZ-900 exam domains: Understand cloud concepts (15-20%) Understand core Azure services (30-35%) Understand security, privacy, compliance, and trust (25-30%) Understand Azure pricing and support (20-25%)